Are Massage Chairs FSA Eligible? Everything You Need to Know

Are Massage Chairs FSA Eligible? Everything You Need to Know

Massage chairs have become increasingly popular in recent years, and many people wonder if they are eligible for reimbursement with a flexible spending account (FSA) or health savings account (HSA). The short answer is that it depends on the specific massage chair and its intended use.

To qualify for an FSA or HSA, a massage chair must have a therapeutic purpose and be used to treat a specific medical condition. It also must be prescribed by a licensed healthcare professional. While some massage chairs may meet these criteria, others may not, making it important for individuals to do their research before making a purchase.

What is a Flexible Spending Account (FSA)

A Flexible Spending Account (FSA) is a tax-advantaged account that allows employees to set aside pre-tax dollars to pay for qualified medical expenses. These expenses may include healthcare devices and equipment, prescription drugs, and medical services that are not covered by insurance.

FSAs are offered by employers as part of their employee benefits package. The money contributed to an FSA is deducted from an employee's paycheck before taxes are withheld, which means that the employee saves money on taxes.

The amount of money that an employee can contribute to an FSA is limited by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS). For 2023, the maximum amount that an employee can contribute to an FSA is $2,950. However, employers may set lower limits.

It is important to note that FSA funds are "use it or lose it." This means that any money left in the FSA at the end of the plan year is forfeited. However, some employers may offer a grace period or a carryover option to allow employees to use their remaining FSA funds.

Understanding FSA Eligibility

Flexible Spending Accounts (FSAs) are a type of employer-sponsored benefit that allows employees to set aside pre-tax dollars to pay for qualified medical expenses. These expenses can range from co-pays and deductibles to over-the-counter medications and medical equipment. However, not all products and services are eligible for reimbursement under an FSA.

To determine eligibility, the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) defines "qualified medical expenses" as those that are primarily for the prevention or treatment of a medical condition. These expenses must be incurred by the account holder, their spouse, or their dependents. Additionally, the expenses must be incurred during the plan year in which the FSA was established.

To help account holders determine which products and services are eligible for reimbursement, the FSA Store provides a comprehensive list of FSA-eligible items. This list includes thousands of products, ranging from first aid supplies and prescription medications to medical devices and equipment.

It is important to note that not all medical products and services are FSA-eligible. For example, cosmetic procedures and products, such as teeth whitening and facelifts, are not considered qualified medical expenses. Additionally, products and services that are used for general health and wellness, such as gym memberships and nutritional supplements, are not eligible for reimbursement under an FSA.

When it comes to massage chairs, FSA eligibility is determined by whether or not the chair has a therapeutic purpose and is used to treat a specific medical condition. If a licensed healthcare professional prescribes the massage chair and it is used for a qualified medical expense, then it may be eligible for reimbursement under an FSA.

In summary, FSA eligibility is determined by the IRS and is based on whether or not the product or service is primarily used for the prevention or treatment of a medical condition. While massage chairs may be eligible for reimbursement under an FSA if prescribed by a licensed healthcare professional, it is important to review the FSA eligibility list and consult with a benefits administrator before making any purchases with FSA funds.

Massage Chairs and FSA Eligibility

Massage chairs are a popular home health product that many people use to relax and soothe sore muscles. However, not all massage chairs are eligible for reimbursement with a flexible spending account (FSA), health savings account (HSA), or health reimbursement arrangement (HRA). In this section, we will explore the IRS guidelines for FSA eligibility and the medical necessity requirements for massage chairs.

IRS Guidelines

According to the IRS, FSA funds can only be used for eligible medical expenses. To be eligible, the expense must be primarily for the prevention or alleviation of a physical or mental defect or illness. The expense must also be incurred primarily to alleviate or prevent a medical condition, not for general health or well-being.

Massage chairs can be eligible for reimbursement with an FSA if they meet the IRS guidelines. The massage chair must have a therapeutic purpose and be used to treat a specific medical condition. It also must be prescribed by a licensed healthcare professional. If the massage chair is used for general health or well-being, it is not eligible for reimbursement.

Medical Necessity

To determine if a massage chair is medically necessary, a licensed healthcare professional must evaluate the patient's condition and recommend the use of a massage chair. The healthcare professional must also provide a written prescription that includes the medical necessity for the massage chair.

The medical necessity for a massage chair can vary depending on the patient's condition. For example, a massage chair may be prescribed for patients with chronic back pain, arthritis, or fibromyalgia. The massage chair can help alleviate pain, reduce muscle tension, and improve circulation.

In conclusion, massage chairs can be FSA eligible if they meet the IRS guidelines and are medically necessary. It is important to consult with a licensed healthcare professional to determine if a massage chair is right for your condition and to obtain a written prescription.

How to Use Your FSA for Massage Chairs

Obtaining a Prescription

To use your FSA for a massage chair, you will need to obtain a prescription from a licensed healthcare professional. The prescription must state that the massage chair is medically necessary to treat a specific medical condition. This condition can be physical, such as back pain or muscle tension, or mental, such as anxiety or stress.

It is important to note that not all massage chairs are eligible for FSA reimbursement. Only massage chairs with a therapeutic purpose that are used to treat a specific medical condition are eligible. Therefore, it is essential to get a prescription from a licensed healthcare professional to ensure that the massage chair you purchase is FSA eligible.

FSA Store Purchases

Once you have obtained your prescription, you can purchase an FSA eligible massage chair from an FSA store. FSA stores have a variety of massage chairs that are eligible for reimbursement. It is important to note that not all massage chairs are eligible for FSA reimbursement, so it is essential to purchase from an FSA store to ensure that you are purchasing an eligible massage chair.

When purchasing an FSA eligible massage chair from an FSA store, it is important to keep all receipts and documentation of the purchase. This documentation will be required when submitting a claim for reimbursement from your FSA.

In conclusion, to use your FSA for a massage chair, you will need to obtain a prescription from a licensed healthcare professional and purchase an FSA eligible massage chair from an FSA store. It is important to keep all receipts and documentation of the purchase to ensure that you can submit a claim for reimbursement from your FSA.

Potential Challenges and Solutions

Reimbursement Issues

While massage chairs are generally eligible for FSA reimbursement, there are some potential challenges that individuals may face when trying to get reimbursed for their purchase. One issue is that some FSA administrators may require a Letter of Medical Necessity (LMN) from a healthcare provider in order to approve the purchase. This can be a time-consuming and potentially frustrating process for individuals who just want to use their FSA funds to buy a massage chair.

Another issue is that some FSA administrators may require individuals to submit a claim for reimbursement within a certain timeframe, such as within 90 days of the purchase. If an individual misses this deadline, they may not be able to get reimbursed for their purchase.

Eligibility Changes

Another potential challenge is that the eligibility of massage chairs for FSA reimbursement may change over time. For example, if the IRS were to update its guidelines for eligible FSA expenses, massage chairs may no longer be included on the list. This could leave individuals who have already purchased a massage chair with FSA funds in a difficult position, as they may not be able to get reimbursed for their purchase if the eligibility rules change.

One solution to this challenge is to stay up-to-date on any changes to FSA guidelines and eligibility rules. Individuals can check with their FSA administrator or healthcare provider to see if there have been any recent updates. Additionally, individuals may want to consider purchasing a massage chair from a retailer that offers a generous return policy, in case the eligibility rules do change in the future.

In summary, while there are some potential challenges when it comes to using FSA funds to purchase a massage chair, there are also solutions available. By staying informed and being proactive, individuals can take advantage of the many benefits that massage chairs can offer, while also maximizing their FSA funds.


In conclusion, whether a massage chair is eligible for FSA or HSA reimbursement depends on the specific guidelines of the health insurance provider. While some providers may allow for the purchase of a massage chair with FSA or HSA funds, others may not. It is important to check with the provider before making the purchase to ensure eligibility.

If the massage chair is eligible, it can be a worthwhile investment for those looking to improve their physical and mental health. Massage chairs can provide relief from a variety of issues, including muscle tension, stress, and chronic pain. They can also help improve circulation and promote relaxation.

However, it is important to note that massage chairs can be expensive, with prices ranging from a few hundred dollars to several thousand dollars. Before making the purchase, individuals should consider their budget and whether the investment is worth it for their specific needs.

Overall, while a massage chair may not be eligible for FSA or HSA reimbursement for all health insurance providers, it can still be a valuable investment in one's health and well-being.